Inactive layer Wireframe dimmed
Somehow I can't let the inactive layers as wireframe display. Here is the way. 그래도 안될경우 Wireframe Opacity를 100%로 해볼 것. 혹은 Enable Independent Drawing을 체크 해제해볼 것. 아무튼 아무래도 버그인듯.
Somehow I can't let the inactive layers as wireframe display. Here is the way. 그래도 안될경우 Wireframe Opacity를 100%로 해볼 것. 혹은 Enable Independent Drawing을 체크 해제해볼 것. 아무튼 아무래도 버그인듯.
1. Select Directional Light, check Physical Sun. 2. Select Environment Material, select Physically-based Daylight. Featured Image is the screen capture that I'm testing Richard Yot's tutorial. : Case Study- Sunlight The tutorial. In the tutorial, unclamp and finally you gonna get rid of physically-based Daylight and put other directional light instead. Because it give [...]
Each mesh has its own center. 1. press 'o' 2. You can see the center. Modo 701 Inline Help Cadjunkie
GI (Indirect Illumination and Irradiance Caching) + Area Light are the best solution for a simple interior scene. If there are 2~3 windows, put area lights in that windows as light sources. But when the light source is large, like outdoor scene. Environment material can be huge light source. Then it's very easy to render [...]
1. Make a polygon plain. 2. Select Duplicate / Curve Extrude 3. Click and Click.
1. This is a prototype. 2. This one is for tile. 3. And when I make replicator with that. It looks like this. 4. I don't know what make like this. But this parts should rotate 90 degree. 5. I select the part of polygon in tile. And flip. (Press f) And that fix it. [...]
I want to make something like this image. (아래의 이미지와 같은 폴리곤을 만들고자 함) I made profile line but you can't copy and paste edge. If you copy the edge and paste it, it will paste only vertices. (옆 라인을 만들었으나 모도에서는 에지 카피가 안됨. 카피해서 붙여도 점들이 생성됨) So you can make polygon with [...]
Put one polygon on top of the other polygon.(하나의 폴리곤을 다른 폴리곤 위에 정확히 올려놓기) 1. Select polygon and 'Snaps and Precision' / 'Drag Snap Rigid' (하나의 폴리곤을 선택하고. 'Snaps and Precision' / 'Drag Snap Rigid') 2. Click here and Move (여기를 클릭하고 이동) 3. It will snap. (달라 붙게됨) 4. Select the polygon and [...]
How to move this circle polygon to the same Y position as the squre polygon. (원형 폴리곤을 사각형 폴리곤의 Y 위치와 동일한 위치로 이동하기) 1. Select the squre polygon. (사각형 폴리곤 선택) 2. Work Plane / Align work plane to Selection 3. Select the circle polygon. (원형 폴리곤 선택) 4. Center Selected / Y 5. [...]